Saturday, November 13, 2010
Increasing Your Opt In Rate - Very Easy Strategy
It is so simple and you should definitely try it out....
Take the First name box out of the opt in form and just make people enter their email address. On some of my pages it has increased opt in coversions by up to 50%. Meaning that when I would get 100 visitors to the page, I used to only get about 40 to 50 opt ins. Now, with only using the email form on the opt in, I get about 80 subscribers per every 100 visitors! It's awesome, I highly suggest trying it out.
Speak Soon,
Bryan Super
Simple Way To $100/Day Online
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
ASN Issue #14 - 6 Ways To Increase Traffic To Your Blog or Website
November 10, 2010
By: Bryan Super
There are hundreds of ways to get traffic to your site and the good news is that most of them are free!
Here are a few ways to get traffic.
1. Submit to Search Engines
Instead of waiting for the search engines to spider your site, go ahead and submit your site. Just type in submit site into Google and you can see where you can submit your site directly to Google.
2. Article Marketing
If you have any experience with me or what I write about then you know I love article marketing.
a. It's free
b. It works !
The more articles you write and submit the more likely you are to be viewed as an expert in your niche.
3. Tell a Friend Script
Look for a tell a friend script and add it to your site or blog. Now, if someone finds your site interesting they can recommend it to a friend and this can lead to huge increases in traffic.
4. Joint Ventures
Find people that sell similar products to you and team up with them. You can trade links on each others blog or website or even trade links in an email that you send to your list.
5. Ebay
Ebay is soooo easy to get started with. You can set up an Ebay store and include a link back to your website. You can really sell just about anything on Ebay.
6. Hold a Contest
You can hold a contest. For example, if someone signs up for your newsletter they get a chance to win your ebook for a month membership or free access to your product.
I hope those tips are easy for you to use and implement today!
If you would like more information about getting free traffic, check this out Mass Traffic
Speak Soon,
Bryan Super
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
ASN - Issue #13 - 3 Ways To Drive Quality Traffic
November 3, 2010
By: Bryan Super
In this article I will go over 3 ways to drive quality traffic to your site...
If you have ever read any of my content you have probably heard me say this before. Give away content.
#1 - Write content and post it to directories
You can get alot of traffic this way and links to your site or blog. Check out and submit to these places:
#2 - Solo Ads
I have had alot of success with solo ads. The reason for this is because you are not paying for a blast of traffic. You are paying for the owner of the list to send out an email to their subscriber list. Many of these people have opted in to receive information from the list owner.
There are a few tricks to this though.
Trick #1 - You do not want to send out a solo ad and have the people go straight to an affiliate link. The trick is to create a squeeze page that offers something to the visitor. THEN, after they opt in - direct them to a related affiliate offer. This way you get a subscriber onto your own list and you show them an affiliate offer. Make sure you have your autoresponder set up to deliver them the free report immediately after they opt in.
For example, if you are giving away a traffic guide, after they opt in, direct them to an affiliate offer that is related to driving traffic.
If you are giving away a guide about guitar playing tips, direct them to an affiliate offer that is related to playing the guitar.
Make sense?
What happens when you do this is that when you have them opt in to your list, they are now on your list and you can follow up with them.
Trick #2 - Will everyone opt in to get your free report - NO. There is another trick to make this useful as well. It is called an exit pop up. So, if someone decides not to opt in to your initial offer, you can send them to another offer if they "x" off of your first page.
There are several exit pop up products, you just have to look around. I use
Trick #3 - Tracking
Obviously people who offer solo ads cannot guarantee anyone at all will click on your ad and visit your website. What you want to do is track this. If you send out a solo ad and get great results then you know to keep that particular site in mind if you want to run another solo ad. If you send an ad and get no clicks then dump that site from your solo ad list.
I use for all of my tracking.
Here are some solo ad sites I have had success with:
#3 - Guest Blogging
Find blogs related to your niche and contact the website owner. Here is what you do:
Write an article related to the theme of the blog and email it to the owner as a sample of your writing. Tell them that you would like to be a guest blogger if they are in need of some good content.
Just go to and type in your niche + blog and you should see alot of blogs come up.
I hope these traffic tactics help you get the targeted traffic you are looking for.
Please let me know your thoughts - they are important - just go to the comments box below....
Bryan Super
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
ASN - Issue #12 - Tracking Links
October 27, 2010
By: Bryan Super
Welcome to another issue of Bryan Super's Affiliate Success Newsletter.
First of all I want to thank you for helping me out on the survey.
The results are that 592 people said they would rather have every email I send start out with [SUPER NEWS] and 9 people said they would want random subjects. So, I will continue to start every email with [SUPER NEWS]. Thanks again for your input, I really appreciate it :)
As I said before, I send you alot of email not to annoy you but to help you. Please also know that I when I send you an email I have most likely already downloaded the exact same product and use it. When I send you a product that must be paid for it is likely that I have already purchased and use it myself. I wouldn't point you in a direction if I didn't honestly think it would help you in some way.
Moving on to the tracking portion of this issue. I found an amazing site that you can use for tracking. It is called <-- (not an affiliate link).
Why track your links? Because this way you know where your traffic is coming from. I don't want you wasting time doing things that don't work.
For example, if you write articles and submit them or use free classified ads, blogs, or forum marketing, you can create tracking links so you know where you are getting clicks.
If you have been submitting articles to a directory and you are never getting any clicks then by tracking this you will know that it is not worth your time to use that directory.
You will also know that if you are getting alot of clicks from a particular place then you can concentrate on using that site for traffic.
I hope you will use this free tool to your benefit.
Also, here are all of the prior issues of the Affiliate Success Newsletter...
Affiliate Success Newsletter Archive
As always, comments are appreciated and welcome. If you have any questions about anything at all just shoot me an email at
Bryan Super
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Turbo Traffic System Review

The Turbo Traffic System is different from alot of other products online because it will teach you how to build a legitimate business, it doesn't just explain the next big traffic ordeal or the next big software launch.
A view of Turbro Traffic System Members Area....

There are 6 Modules in the Turbo Traffic System which cover everything from keyword research, social traffic, building backlinks, building your own link networks, to local SEO, and more.
In Module 1-3, you will learn how to get into a niche and generate traffic from that niche. You will get step by step videos that will teach this to you. This is IMPORTANT - you will also learn how to get targeted leads to visit your irresistable offers. Targeted traffic is key.
Modules 4-6 will teach you how to expand your business and get into local markets and build authority sites. Authority sites are just like they sound. They are sites that people look to when looking for information in a given market. Take finance for example. is an authority site. There are hundreds of thousands of authority sites in all of the niches online.
This is well worth my $1. You will learn so much from Turbro Traffic System - it is amazing... Click below to get started now....
Turbo Traffic System
Affiliate Success Newsletter [Issue #11] - Alternatives To Get Into Google and Get Fast Traffic....
October 20, 2010
By: Bryan Super
Everyone is concerned about their Google rankings. An algorithm change or an update can often leave many a webmaster in tears.
However, I often like to come in through the back door. So today I?m going to reveal to you some of my Google secrets, because Google's Lab is much larger than you think.
Google Video
Google Video allows you to have your very own tv show on one of the largest search engines on the internet. This is a form of multimedia that is certainly gaining popularity online. Right now Google Video is in a growth stage and it?s one of the perfect times to get in and be one of the first to brand yourself in a particular market.
Videos are also a great selling point if you have a product that can be demonstrated. With Google video, you can now have your very own infomercial indexed in the search engines. Of course, you?ll want to provide some great content too. To check out this new technology, go to
Google Base
Google Base was launched in November of 2005. Google base describes itself as ?a place where you can add all types of information that we?ll host and make searchable online?. Now, if that isn?t a webmaster?s dream, I don?t know what is. Your item could be almost anything: your products, research papers, articles, press releases, etc. You can describe all of your items so that you can zone in on your targeted visitor. Anyone with a Google account can use this service, so why not give it a try. Google base is the perfect way to get an additional audience for your content. To find out more about Google Base, visit

Google Local
Getting your products into Google local can put your items in front of some serious buyers. People often go to Google Local looking for a specific item or service in a particular geographic area. So, if you own a small business, Google Local is the perfect opportunity to increase your reach without spending lots of advertising dollars. Now, onto a section of Google that you certainly won?t want to miss out on.
Google Blog Search
This is one of the best ways to get some additional listings in Google. If you have a website, why not start a blog. By starting a blog, you can tap into a variety of blog search engines, including Google Blog search. This area of marketing is largely untapped, so it is the perfect time to get your particular niche grounded in these specialty search engines. To get your blog listed you simply need to ping an updating service such as It?s as simple as that. If you are using Wordpress, you can set it up to where your blog pings the major services every time you make a post.
You can even have multiple listings in the Google Blog Search because they list specific posts as well as entire blogs.
Google News
Want to get your article and even your picture into Google News? Well, it?s really not that hard. The first step is to go to, scroll down to the very bottom of the page and click on the link that says ?submit work?. From there you can sign up to be a contributor. If accepted as a contributor, you will then be able to submit articles along with your picture. Many of their articles are syndicated on Google News and will be available to the millions of searchers who go to Google News each and every day.
If you are looking to get your press release into Google News, that is simple as well. All you have to do is submit your press release to Using these techniques, you can get into Google News 100% free, while many other webmasters are paying to do so. Now that you know about the many faces of Google, you will be able to use these tactics to your advantage. You see, there are so many people who just don?t put in the extra effort required to get exceptional results.
Luckily for you, this puts you at a great advantage over many of the webmasters online today.
I hope you enjoyed this issue and I really hope it is useful for you and your website!
Bryan Super
Thursday, October 14, 2010
The Traffic Secret Revealed....
I just wanted to let you in on a little secret I have been using and testing over the past few weeks. It works quite well, in my opinion.
There are a few things you will need to do in order to make money.
Sign up free to these sites and then come back to learn how to make the money....
1. An affiliate program to make money with....
WebCopyCat - This affiliate program converts extremely well and you can make alot of money if you do this right! $33.50 per sign up per month to be exact. So, imagine just getting 10 sign ups at $33.50 per month, that's an extra $335 per month !
2. Link Tracking - Free version.... -
3. $5 and
Now, here is what you do in order to make money....
1. Visit the affiliate info page for WebCopyCat at
Take your affiliate link and copy and paste it into a notepad - it should look something like this....
BE SURE to replace XXX with your own Affiliate ID number
Now, scroll down this page until you see a link for Pre-Made Tweets and click on it.
Copy one of the premade Tweets, add your own spin and your affiliate URL to it and have this ready to go on a notepad or wordpad.
2. Go back to, sign in and click on the Shorten URL link on the left.
Paste your affiliate link for WebCopyCat into the field and create a shorter URL.
Copy that URL and paste it at the end of your pre-made Tweet
3. Visit
This is where you will be getting traffic. Here is what to do:
Sign in and either type in traffic in the search box or click on social marketing or advertising on the right.
Find people that will Tweet your message for $5. Place and order and you will soon start getting traffic to your affiliate link.
You want to go after things such as, "I will tweet your message to my 140,000 followers for $5" or "I will tweet your message 5 times to my 20,000 followers for $5". Something along those lines is better.
You can also use the facebook ones to get traffic.
This is really quite an easy way to make some cash without a website, list, or product.
Hope you enjoyed this - I do :)
Oh yeah, leave your comments below to let me know what you think :)
Bryan Super
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Affiliate Success Newsletter Issue #10
In this issue we'll go over how important Twitter can be. I'm sure you have probably heard of Twitter. I've only just started using it and I can honestly say I have already seen an increse in traffic.
Here is a great tip that most people make into a product and would try and sell to you. I'm giving this to you free....
First of all - you can follow me here....
Now - create your own Twitter profile and put up a photo and most importantly, put in your website address. If you visit the sign up page you will see that as you go through the sign up process you can enter all of these options in.
Here is what I have been doing and it works pretty well.
Go to Find People
Enter the name of someone you know in your niche market
Generally if the person is well known in your market and they have a Twitter page then they will probably have alot of followers.
Here is the part that many people mess up...
What you want to do is follow about 30 people every day - most likely they will get a message that you are following them and they will follow you back.
Here is another thing many people screw up. Many people (including myself) are not very patient and they want immediate results. DO NOT just make tweets sending people to your product as they will just see this as spam. Not good.
It will take some time to get a good amount of followers, but if you keep at it, you will soon have alot.
Now, each day you will want to make 5 to 10 general posts just about whatever you want.
1 to 2 times per day at most - post something about your website and enter the link to your site, your blog, your CPA offer, your squeeze page, articles, whatever you want. Just don't overdo it.
After awhile you will see that when you do make a post about your website or whatever you will get a good amount of visits.
Also - don't use a Twitter follower software or anything else that promises you a ton of followers in a very short amount of time - your account will get deleted - I know this because mine old one did.
Just take your time - maybe 10 minutes a day and follow 30 people and eventually you'll get more and more followers.
I hope this has been an informative article about Twitter.
Here is also another AWESOME resource for using Twitter....
Twitter Affiliate Elite
Bryan Super
Top Secret Affiliate
Thursday, October 7, 2010
Press Releases
I hope you enjoyed this and find it useful.
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Affiliate Success Newsletter - Issue #7 - Use Giveaways To Build Your List....
Click Here To Download Issue #7
If for some reason that didn't work, you can always find each issue by clicking the link below....
Affiliate Success Newsletter
If there is something you would like to see added to the newsletter, PLEASE let me know and I'll include it in next weeks issue :) - just email me at
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
Get Your Article Featured in Ezinearticles
It is easier to get into the Most Published section so we're going to go with that. You will need to get your EzinePublisher URL. You can use Twitter and social marketing sites.
Start with getting the URL for your article. You can find the link underneath the article in a box that reads “Share This”. Click on the EzinePublisher link and grab the URL that should look something like this:
Now that you have your URL, go to and bookmark your Publisher URL.
What this will do is it will result in a lot of views of your publisher page, allowing you to make it to the “Most Published” page. Once your article is placed in the “Most Published” section, it will be placed on every article within your specific category. You will get more visitors and a lot more links!
Now, if you want to get into the “Most Viewed” section, you follow the same strategy, but this time with the URL of the article and not the publisher URL.
I hope this was informative and helpful for you...
For more article writing tips and tricks check out Article Success Secrets
To Your Success,
Bryan Super
Monday, August 23, 2010
ZERO to 35,000 members in 5 months!...
There are several ways to build a good relationship with your list. Here are just a few.
1. Give them a product for free that you normally charge others for
2. Give them access to you for free
3. Provide them with valuable content
Now, before you build a relationship with them you have to know how to get subscribers in the first place. There is a new system called, Never Fail List Building that will show you the EXACT steps that he took to get over 35,000 subscribers onto his list in 5 months.
The guy who did this is Bill McRea. Bill has been online for several years and has created several products. Never Fail List Building is one of his best by far, in my opinion.
If you are dead serious about making an income online then the Never Fail List Building system will help you along the way.
The only problem is, this information is useless unless you act upon it and follow the directions.
Check out the site by clicking below...
Never Fail List Building
To Your Success,
Bryan Super
The Top Secret Affiliate
Sunday, August 22, 2010
Can A Listbuilding System Be TOTALLY Automated?
And I'm always the first to be skeptical of these kinds of outrageous claims.
But today I may have to actually eat my words.
Because I just picked up a listbuildilng system that really is incredibly fast...,
And the traffic actually does keeps flow in on auto-pilot.
It's a pretty new tactic on the scene that I've heard of.
But I never really knew how to implement it.
Then I found this:
Free Plug N Play Listbuilding System
At that link 7 figure marketer Bill McRea is GIVING AWAY this listbuilding system totally free...
It's his way of getting some buzz going for his upcoming product launch (apparently he's go another system up his sleeve that's even better than this)
In any case..
I went and got this myself and it's totally legit.
There's nothing scammy about it all.
It's just a way to instantly create a win-win offer that potential JV partners can't refuse.
Bill hand you EVERYTHING you need to make it work. And I mean EVERYTHING.
So if you know the power of having a mailing list..
Do yourself a favor and go get this.
Do it now: Free Plug N Play Listbuilding System
I can't beat the price, right?
P.S. There is one catch to'll have to help spread the word. But that's easy for me because I've seen this strategy in action and know that it works.
You should get Free Plug N Play Listbuilding System now!
Monday, August 9, 2010
Free Targeted Traffic
I have received quite a few emails about getting free traffic to your website or blog so I decided to make this post to help out. Read and follow this article and you should no doubt be seeing targeted traffic in no time.
1. Classified Ads
Check out and You can post free ads at these sites. What you need to do is track your links. Sign up free at This is a tracking service. Make a new link for each site you are trying to get traffic from.
2. Articles
Again, visit and create tracking links for each site. Write and submit articles to,, and These are some of the top sites available today. Use tracking to see where most of your traffic is coming from and concentrate on submitting to those sites.
3. Email List
If there were a magic button to produce traffic this is it. However, it takes time to build this traffic stream. For instance, I have been building my email list for over 1 year and I have over 14,000 people on my email list. Most of them (not all) are iterested in my emails so when I send an email I get instant traffic to whatever site I want. It is very important to build an email list. If you have not started yet, I highly suggest you do right now. It will only help in the long run.
4. Forums
Check out forums in your niche. Just go to and type in your niche + forum and see what comes up. Visit the top sites and see how many members there are. When you join a forum make sure to put a link to your landing page or blog in your signature. Now when you make posts your site will show and people will be likely to click on it if you make useful and interesting posts. Now, in order to get consistent traffic you need to work on this daily. Don't worry it doesn't take that long. Here is a quick rundown of what I do.
Post 3 ads on and
Write 3 articles and submit them
Make 5 useful blog posts
This all ties in to building my email list because everything I do I post a link back to my opt in page which is where I gather all of my email addresses.
Hope this helps :)
Bryan Super
Saturday, July 31, 2010
How To Succeed Online - Focus
Having said that, here is a super fast way to make some cash online.
Visit and check out new products that have a gravity between 100 and 300. What this means is that people are promoting it and other people are buying it.
Research what keywords you can use. You want to use long tail keywords. So, if you choose to promote Fat Loss 4 Idiots, you probably do not want to target the keyword "weight loss". Instead do something like, "how to get rid of chin fat" or "how to get rid of love handles". These keywords will have much less competition and you are more likely to get ranked for them.
Visit and and post articles to the database. Make sure you use your keywords in the title of the article and a few times in the article.
Set up a blog with links to your affiliate product.
Put a link at the end of your article back to your blog.
Write 30 more articles for each product you decide to promote.
Hope this at least helps you get started...
Don't give up. You need to focus on one thing at a time. If you choose to do this then do it until the end. Seriously write 30 articles and post them.
For more information check out Affiliate Success Guide
Sunday, July 25, 2010
Craigslist Traffic Is Great!!
Here is what to do. If you are marketing anything related to the making money niche then you post in the small business ads section. In my opinion, the best results I have seen are when you post in the following places...
Dallas, TX
South Africa
New Zealand
Now, this is just my experience, but try posting some ads and see if you get any hits or opt ins. What I do is post on Craigslist and I place the link to my opt in page...
You can track it using so you will know which posting is getting the most traffic.
I hope this helps you get some quick traffic to your site. Free traffic is great and it works. There are several other ways to get traffic that I will talk about soon, including,,, and
Bryan Super
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Ways To Get Free Targeted Website Traffic Today!
The absolute most important thing you need to do in your online business is be able to get traffic at an instant.
So, how is it that you can drive so much traffic instantly?
It is called list building. You must be building an email list if you want to succeed online.
Here's what happens when you mix together a great offer with instant traffic - sales!!
That's great, but how do you get instant traffic?
Well there are several ways. You can post ads at,,,,,, etc.
What most marketers fail to realize is that they should be building a list and not just directing visitors to their affiliate link. It is much more beneficial to direct all your traffic to your squeeze page and collect email addresses. This way you can email your entire list at once, any time you feel like it.
Bottom line - concentrate on building a list first. It may take some time in the beginning but in the end it will be totally worth your time.
To Your Success,
Bryan Super
Affiliate Success Secrets
Friday, July 9, 2010
How Much Will I Make From This Program or Product?
Recently I have received several emails asking me how much money someone will make if they purchase a certain product or software.
The simple answer is this - no program will make you money by simply buying it. You have to use that product or software and actually do what it is telling you to do. I have heard complaints about some of the best products around and they are completely invalid because the people were assuming that if they purchased the product that they would automatically make $5000 a week online. Sorry, but it simply does not work like that.
You must do work in order to set up your online business.
Here is the best advice I can give you. You need to choose a business model and run with it. Whether it be using pay per click, seo, blogging, or list building, etc.
If you buy a product about list building, then go and start building a list and make that business model work for you. I failed many times before I was successful. This only helped me realize what was most important when running an online business.
You can do this and hopefully this website will help you along the way. My free report shows you step by step how to set up an online business. You can sign up for free above.
Thursday, July 8, 2010
Lazy Way To List Building
I thought I could just have a website and use SEO and pay per click and I would make a million dollars. Wow, I was way off. It wasn't until I started building a list that I realized how important it was.
Just think about this - starting an online business may cost $200 or $300. This is so much less than a traditional offline store.
All you need is a website (or a free blog) and an autoresponder.
An autoresponder is only about $20 per month depending on which one you choose. The main thing is you just need to choose one and start. Most even offer a 1 month free trial.
Then you need to learn from someone how to start building your list. Try it out. Sign up for a 1 month free trial at or and then start driving traffic to your squeeze page. Before you know it you will be able to start making money and start building your list. It is quite something.
Do you want to add 500+ subscribers to your list every single day? Need no more? Click below...
Lazy Way To List Building
If you have not heard of a guy by the name of Lee McIntyre then please read on. Lee started his online business with Zero subscribers and Zero contacts.
In the first 2 years of his business he built a list of subscribers to around 4,000.
Today, just 1 year later, he has a list of 88,652 subscribers.
If you are ready to take the first step in building an online empire then check out...
Lazy Way To List Building
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
Why List Builing Is Crucial To Success
I have been working online for several years now and in the beginning I didn't do so well. I would make maybe $200 in 1 month if I was lucky. The idea of building a list of subscribers scared me but it is also what created huge success for me.
Here is exactly how I did it.
Step 1: Find a hungry crowd - this is a very important part, don't skip it. Some of the hungries crowds are weight loss crowds, pet lovers, people who have bad credit, people who want more money, people who want a better relationship
Step 2: Create a squeeze page that gives away a valuable gift
Step 3: Create follow up sequence that keeps subscribers wanting more
Step 4: Input promotions of relevant products that will pay you commissions.
For example, if you chose the pet lovers niche, you may give away a free gift that will teach someone to teach their dog to stop digging in the back yard. If they have a problem with that then why would they not want the free gift. Also, you can mention that you will be giving them more information to help them and their pet have the best possible life together.
Step 5: send traffic to your squeeze page
Now, I know this is only 5 steps, but they are very necessary in order to succeed.
Most people get stuck or just plain don't want to build a list and that is EXACTLY what I thought at the beginning but now I can see that list building is one of the most important parts of running an online business.
Here is a great way to start making money online
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Affiliate Marketing Top Priority....
To put it simply, there is ONE thing you MUST do in order to be successful and that is to build a list.
List building is one of the very best ways to ensure your success. By building a list of prospects you basically have a guaranteed traffic source whenever you want it, but, you have to do this right.
You have to build your list the right way or else no one will ever follow you. What you need to do is build a relationship with your list so they will eventually look foward to all the emails that you will be sending.
When you get to this point you will have virtually guaranteed traffic. Think about it. Everytime someone subscribes to your list they do so because they are interested in what you have to say or what you have to give them. The more people on your list the more traffic you will receive.
Once they look foward to getting your emails, then you just have to send them an email and you will get traffic to whatever site you are telling them to go to.
There are countless products regarding list building, but I have found that the one which helped me go from 0 to over 10,000 subscribers is Lee McIntyre's list buliding workshop. It is incredible. You can check it out here - List Building Workshop
If you enjoy what you find here, don't hesitate to subscribe to my newsletter and get a great gift while doing so. I promise I will only send you useful and relevant information to help you succeed.
This blog is my way of giving back to the community. I sincerely hope you can enjoy the same success and freedom that I have. I hope this blog helps you succeed in your online business!
Bryan Super
Bryan Super Affiliate Success Secrets