Wednesday, October 27, 2010

ASN - Issue #12 - Tracking Links

Affiliate Success Newsletter
October 27, 2010
By: Bryan Super

Welcome to another issue of Bryan Super's Affiliate Success Newsletter.

First of all I want to thank you for helping me out on the survey.

The results are that 592 people said they would rather have every email I send start out with [SUPER NEWS] and 9 people said they would want random subjects. So, I will continue to start every email with [SUPER NEWS]. Thanks again for your input, I really appreciate it :)

As I said before, I send you alot of email not to annoy you but to help you. Please also know that I when I send you an email I have most likely already downloaded the exact same product and use it. When I send you a product that must be paid for it is likely that I have already purchased and use it myself. I wouldn't point you in a direction if I didn't honestly think it would help you in some way.

Moving on to the tracking portion of this issue. I found an amazing site that you can use for tracking. It is called <-- (not an affiliate link).

Why track your links? Because this way you know where your traffic is coming from. I don't want you wasting time doing things that don't work.

For example, if you write articles and submit them or use free classified ads, blogs, or forum marketing, you can create tracking links so you know where you are getting clicks.

If you have been submitting articles to a directory and you are never getting any clicks then by tracking this you will know that it is not worth your time to use that directory.

You will also know that if you are getting alot of clicks from a particular place then you can concentrate on using that site for traffic.

I hope you will use this free tool to your benefit.

Also, here are all of the prior issues of the Affiliate Success Newsletter...

Affiliate Success Newsletter Archive

As always, comments are appreciated and welcome. If you have any questions about anything at all just shoot me an email at


Bryan Super

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